by Kent Mattison, P.E., President

In his book, The Advantage, author, Patrick Lencioni says being a healthy organization is every bit as important, if notmore so, than being a smart organization. Smart organizations are good at things like strategy, marketing, finance, and technology.
Healthy organizations have minimal politics and confusion, high morale and productivity, and low turnover among good employees.
Lencioni suggests that every company should answer six critical questions to create clarity in the organization. The questions are simple, but critical to an organization’s health.
The six questions are:
- Why do we exist?
- How do we behave?
- What do we do?
- How will we succeed?
- What is most important right now?
- Who must do what?
Benchmark saw the need to create this clarity amongst our organization. We wanted to create a more cohesive, healthy team where everyone knows the expectations of each member and the team as a whole. We took our time and put a lot of thought into the answers to these questions. We felt good about what we came up with. It is our intent that everyone on the Benchmark team knows the answers to these six questions.
Following are Benchmark’s answers to the questions:
1. Why do we exist?
To provide challenging and rewarding career opportunities with an unmatched level of service and expertise that creates meaningful and lasting relationships.
2. How do we behave?
Sound and Valuable Counsel
(Core Value)
The more experienced and better trained and educated our members are, the more likely the consultation we provide will be of value. It is our goal to lead our industry in this regard. We wish to support and encourage our current members to improve existing skills and develop new ones to meet the required standards of Benchmark, Inc., and our clients. We understand the value of the counsel we give is not based solely on our knowledge and expertise, but also on our ability to communicate this information clearly.
Exceptional Responsiveness and Dependability (Aspirational Value)
For us to successfully serve our clients, from our headquarters located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, we must be able to respond to their needs as well or better than a local firm. We have made accuracy, thoroughness, and immediate response to a client’s needs a priority. Operating out of one central office is advantageous due to a consistent and high quality product, better back-up support systems, and clearer communications.
Dedication to the Client’s Best Interests and Needs (Core Value)
The client’s interests come before anything else. We have chosen to follow a value discipline of “Customer Intimacy” to build customer loyalty based on providing an unmatched level of service, expertise, guidance and responsiveness. This is a key to our ability to develop long-term relationships and gain additional business through referrals.
Our Strong Work Ethic, High Standards and Integrity (Permission-To-Play Value)
While we have committed not to lose business by being outworked, we have also committed not to gain business by sacrificing our principals and standards. Our relationships must be based on trust. That trust must be earned by demonstrating not only a high level of competence, but by the methods in which we reach that level.
Concern for the Career Enrichment and Well Being of Associates (Core Value)
We will challenge the members of our firm with substantial tasks and provide sufficient assistance to help each one succeed and excel. We seek to create an environment in which the abilities and character of each individual are respected and enjoyed; where open communication and interdependence are encouraged; where hard work, teamwork and achievement are rewarded; and motivation is gained by personal contribution. Those that are responsible for the success of the firm should help determine the firm’s future directions and activities.
3. What do we do?
We provide roof and pavement consulting services.
4. How will we succeed?
By being passionate about:
- Customer Intimacy (Dedication to our client’s best interests).
- Sound and Valuable Counsel (Technical Excellence).
- Creating an Environment that is dedicated to the Well Being of our Associates (Organizational Health).
5. What is most important right now?
This will continually change, depending on current circumstances, but remember one thing…if everything is important, then nothing is.
6. Who must do what?
Every team member has their primary responsibilities outlined here. However, we don’t accept the answer to any request being “It’s not my job.” The expectation as a Benchmark team member is you help out wherever you can and whenever help is needed.