Community matters to Benchmark. And because Benchmark works around the country, our employees are making a difference in many communities and with many organizations. Last year, Benchmark helped support 39 non-profit organizations, either financially or through volunteer hours.

Organizations we support
These are just some of the local and national organizations that Benchmark and Benchmark employees help support with donations and time.
- All God’s Children
- Alzheimer’s Association
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Association
- American Lung Association
- American Kidney Foundation
- Autism Speaks
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Boys & Girls Club
- Boy Scouts of America
- Camp Courageous
- Catherine McAuley Center
- Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
- City of Hope Cancer Center
- Critter Crusaders
- Daybreak Rotary
- Englert Theater
- Especially for You Race – Race Against Breast Cancer
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Foundation 2
- Four Oaks Foundation
- Furniture Bank of Central Ohio
- Gems of Hope
- Holy Apostles Catholic Church
- Horizons
- Iowa Food Bank
- Junior Achievement
- Linn Co. Trails
- Living Word Lutheran
- March of Dimes
- Marion Arts Festival
- Matthew 25
- Meals on Wheels
- Miracles In Motion
- Mission of Hope
- Myocarditis Foundationt
- National Czech and Slovak Museum
- National MS Society
- Navigators
- Olivet Mission
- Outreach for Hope
- Palmer Drug Abuse Program
- Ronald McDonald House
- Special Olympics
- St. Mark’s Lutheran
- Streamline Kids
- The Women’s Shelter
- The Wounded Warrior
- Turkey Trot
- United Way
- The United Fund
- University of Iowa Dance Marathon
- University of Iowa DeGowin Blood Center
- Variety Club of Iowa
- Waypoint
- Young Parents Network
- Zach Johnson Foundation